Monday, January 23, 2012

Gundam RX-78-2 Gallery

I recently finished building my RX-78-2 kit.  I really enjoyed putting this one together.  Despite the fact that most Gundam kits could be assembled without the need of paint, I did opt to do some basic painting on this one to highlight some of the model's details. 

Being extremely articulated there are so many poses possible with the typical Gundam kit.  Taking pictures of the model was so much fun.  Here are some photos I took of the finished product. 

The RX-78-2 with the FF-X7 Core Fighter
Painting those 15mm high figures of Amuro was a real pain.


Wielding a Beam Saber
Armed with the Hyper Bazooka
RX-78-2 carrying a Beam Rifle with Super Napalm attachment
Taking a swing with the Gundam Hammer
Beam Javelin at ready...
I must confess, I think I've been bitten with the Gundam bug.  I now have an urge to build another one soon.  Perhaps I'll purchase an opponent for my RX-78-2, then I'll be able to set up some battle poses in the near future.